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Health Devices

Due to the toxicity of our times, it is necessary to add health beneficial frequency devices which promote health, healing, and wellness.

Dr. Tennant invented this device to help people with pain, chronic conditions, and generates body voltage.

Check out his website at and


Over the past twenty years, even while eating organic foods, I was having serious health problems. Due to the toxicity of our times, eating organic foods is not sufficient. I discovered a variety of high quality supplements from very reputable companies that helped me regain my health. I am happy to share my broad based research with you.

Magnascent Idodine

2% Strength – one ounce bottle MAGNASCENT
Nascent Iodine

Nascent Iodine is iodine as an atom rather than an ion or a molecule. In this state the iodine atom has a large energy potential that is released when the atom is used. It has a well recognized ability to fight infections in this state. The iodine atom is a paramagnetic atom and is subject to magnetic charging. When activated by adding to water, it is active for 2 to 3 hours. During this time it is readily available to be used by the body.

“Iodine is a naturally occurring mineral found in seawater and soils. It is an essential trace element for life and is found in food and salt that the body requires. Iodine’s main role in human biology is as a constituent of thyroid hormones. The thyroid gland actively absorbs iodide from the blood to make and release these hormones back into the blood. Thyroid hormones play a basic role in biology, acting to regulate metabolism. The total deficiency of thyroid hormones can reduce basal metabolic rate up to 50%, while an excessive production of thyroid hormones the basal metabolic rate can be increased by 100%.”

Role of lipid peroxidation and oxidative stress in the association between thyroid diseases and breast cancer. Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology, Volume 68, Issue 2, Pages 107-114 M. Gago-Dominguez, J. Castelao



Mother Earth Labs’ LUGOL’S IODINE PLUS is not your ordinary Lugol’s iodine supplement.

LUGOL’S IODINE PLUS incorporates the power of FULVIC to deliver Iodine to the cells where it needs to go in a more organic, ionic, cell-ready form.

LUGOL’S IODINE PLUS also includes the important nutrients that assist our bodies to metabolize and use Iodine more efficiently. These include Selenium, Zinc, Magnesium, B Vitamins and others. WITHOUT THESE OTHER NUTRIENTS, Iodine metabolism is impaired.

Call (210) 408-2800 and use my name, Dr. Rozanne Bazinet, to receive a discount.

Remember Customer Service Representatives cannot give medical advice or information over the phone. If you are experiencing a health issue or emergency, please contact your health care provider with health questions or call 911 for emergency assistance.